Riverside Early Childcare Logo of Riverside Early Childcare in Wanaka featuring stylized white text with a leaf motif above the 'i' in Riverside, all on a black background.

Welcome to our Kea Room—

Tukua kia tū takitahi ngā whetū o te rangi

“Let each star in the sky shine its own light”

Riverside Early Childcare A flat, simple icon of a flower with five teal-colored petals and a circular hole in the center, designed using minimalistic style on a white background, symbolizing growth in early childcare.
Riverside Early Childcare A flat, simple icon of a flower with five teal-colored petals and a circular hole in the center, designed using minimalistic style on a white background, symbolizing growth in early childcare.
Riverside Early Childcare A simple, stylized icon representing an early childcare professional without distinct features, presented in solid gold color on a transparent background.

Our Kea room is a space dedicated to nurturing and empowering tamariki aged 18 months – 3 years. A place where your little one begins to unfurl their wings. We’ve created a runway, working together with whānau, to allow tamariki to delve deeper into their interests and take those bold steps towards exploration knowing they will be safely supported by their kaiako.

One of our key strengths lies in our low teacher:child ratios, ensuring that every child receives that attention and care. We believe that building a sense of safety is paramount; it’s the foundation upon which children can confidently take flight and embrace new challenges. This allows our tamariki to take risks through exploration, experimentation, and to learn through hands-on experiences.

Our dedicated team of kaiako guide with love and passion, helping each child navigate the emotional landscape of toddlerhood. The integration of sensory and social-emotional learning plays a pivotal role in our teaching.This approach creates an enriching and nurturing environment that fosters the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social growth of our tamariki. These essential skills not only promote immediate well-being – helping to regulate, build relationships, and effectively communicate – but also set the stage for a lifetime of positive growth and development.

In our Kea room, we celebrate the wonder of this magical phase, where curiosity knows no bounds. We hope to provide an environment where your child can spread their wings, take risks, and embark on this next journey with strength and resilience.

Riverside Early Childcare A simple graphic of a blue fish facing left, with a sleek design and minimalistic features. The fish lacks detailed facial features, emphasising a modern, stylised look suitable for early childcare themes in Wan
Riverside Early Childcare A simple, stylized icon representing an early childcare professional without distinct features, presented in solid gold color on a transparent background.

We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing”

George Bernard Shaw

Riverside Early Childcare Three horizontal rows of line wave patterns, each varying in amplitude and frequency, displayed in black on a white background, symbolizing the dynamic rhythms of early childcare in Wanaka.

The Kea gallery—

Our Kea Kaiako—

Aimee Cameron
Head Teacher (Kea)
Dip. Teaching (ECE) Person Responsible
Amanda Everingham
Diploma of Secondary Education, Grad Dip Teaching (ECE), Person Responsible
Lauren Norrish
ECE Educator (In training)
Grace Allan
Bachelor of Education (Primary), Person Responsible
Nikki Van Beek
Grad Dip Teaching (ECE), Person Responsible

Support staff—

Sarah Macfie
Centre Director/Manager
Graduate Diploma (ECE), Bachelor of Education (Primary), Person Responsible
Alice Rose
Danielle Anson
Office Administrator
Kaori Yagi
Centre Cook
Riverside Early Childcare A simple, black and white abstract spiral design inspired by early childcare themes in Wanaka.
Riverside Early Childcare White silhouette of a human figure on a transparent background, depicted in a neutral stance with no discernible details or features, represents early childcare in Wanaka.