We believe that it is important to say goodbye to your children to let them know that you are going for the day.
Saying goodbye might seem traumatic at the time, but don’t believe it’s traumatic so much as dramatic. It is ok for your child to be dramatic, but just this dramatic goodbye to somebody that they adore so much.
As parents and teachers, we all know how hard it is to say goodbye to your loved ones as you head off to work for the day, so we thought that we would put together a list of our top tips to try and make it that little bit easier for you.
Please be assured that it is very normal to go through stages of difficult drops offs, and it will come and go in waves – as all stages of development do.
Our top tips would be to:
Acknowledge your child’s feelings
Acknowledge their feelings at drop offs and pickups. Ensure that they are being heard and understood. So, when she is upset in the mornings, I say “I hear you are upset. You wish I could stay longer. I have to go to work and I will be right back to pick you up this afternoon.”
This way she is able to process her emotions and reflect on that time from earlier in the day, knowing that you understand and aren’t just abandoning her heartlessly.
Be confident
Be confident within yourself and your child’s teachers that your child will enjoy their time and be well looked after in the Kea room.
Be cheerful
Children pick up on your mood. Try not to act rushed or stressed.
Be routine
Start your child’s day in the Kea room the same way each time. Find a cubby for their bag, pop any nappies etc. away in the bathroom and find something to do e.g., a book to read, a teacher to sit with, cars, the babies etc.
Be quick
Short and sweet is the best way. Make sure that your child has the attention of the teacher or is happily engaged with something. Do your routine, give a hug and say goodbye.
Be timely
Return when you said that you would.
Be engaging
Talk about what your child has done at the end of the day. Talk about the fun things. Read their profile books with them at home.
Be truthful
Follow on with what you say that you will do. If you say that you are going now, then it is time for you to go.
Remember that you can do this! Your child has a lot of fun here and we take great care of them. If your child is upset when you leave, txt or ring to check in.